[General] How to report bug? | Rumble Heroes Service Center
Rumble Heroes Service Center FAQ
[General] How to report bug?

Unexpected visitors, game bug    

For your pleasant and safe gameplay,  Rumble Heroes Service and Dev team are willing to provide assistance.

When you face any bug while you are playing, check the below guidance first and submit a ticket.

  [Requisite for Bug / Issue report] 

First, check the Known Issue or other recent announcement posts. The issue may have been notified or fixed already.

Second, click the [Settings] - [Data Save], and at least wait for 5 minutes to save your game data as much as possible.

Third, submit your ticket by categorizing, [Bug/Issue Report]The more detailed the content, the faster verify the issue.

If you can attach a screenshot or video, may speed up the review!   

In addition, we are offering a small gift to those who provide assistance, so we ask for your cooperation. [Go to report ▶]

  [Worst inquiry example]

We are unable to find and proceed with test or verification when receiving the type of below tickets:

  • There was a bug or glitch at 000. Please fix.
  • Blah Blah is unable. FIX ASAP
  • I just don't like it. Fix please. Thank you.