(Completed) Known Issue (23rd June 2023) | Rumble Heroes Service Center
Rumble Heroes Service Center Known Issue
(Completed) Known Issue (23rd June 2023)

[2023-06-23 22:17PM (KST) |  As a temporal countermeasure, we urgently updated the game version up to 1.3.064ver. Still, the inability of the package purchase remains but the blocking phenomenon due to pop-up has been resolved.  Please update the game to the latest version. ]

[2023-06-24 10:40AM (KST) |  We would like to inform you that the app verification procedure has been completed, and the issue of being unable to purchase packages has been resolved.] 

Dear hero,

We would like to inform all of you of the Known Issue that has been confirmed as of 23rd June. (Version 1.3.063~4)

  • Unable to purchase the new legendary hero package (Nine-Tailed Miho) in the iOS environment.
  • Unable to play due to the new package's push pop-up in the iOS environment after the game update. 

This known issue will be resolved in accordance with completing Apple's app verification.

We are truly sorry for this issue and ask for your kind understanding.


Rumble Heroes Service Team