[General] I want to know my previous data and logs | Rumble Heroes Service Center
Rumble Heroes Service Center FAQ
[General] I want to know my previous data and logs


Currently, in the Rumble Heroes Customer Center, we limit the categories of inquiries to ensure quick consultation, conducting data view, and log analysis.

Additionally, if data is not properly stored or is missing within the game server, it is difficult for the customer service center to provide any information for verification.

We will do our best to assist you within the shortest possible time in order to provide more attentive consultations to many individuals.

  [In such cases, it is difficult for us to provide log verification.]

  • I don't remember when I used the in-game currency (gold, gems, meat).
  • I can't recall when and how much currency I used. 
  • Please let me know. I'm just curious suddenly.